The Workshop Experience

Our workshops are the core of what we do. They’re not just about making lamps, though the finished lamps are one of the beautiful end-products of the workshops. What happens during the workshop, and after the workshop is just as important.

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  • Paper and the electric light bulb….both remarkable inventions. There is perhaps no other material that pairs up with light better than paper – its soft, luminous glow can transform a space, create a mood, lift a spirit.

    As David Moss, the founder of The Illumignossi Project, says, “I am enchanted by the magical alchemy that transforms an ordinary piece of paper into an object of glowing beauty, merely by flipping a switch.”

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  • Contact us if your organization would like to host a workshop or if you’d like to collaborate with us in any way!

Light is a powerful symbol across virtually all cultures. In fact in the Bible, it’s God’s first words: “Let there be light!”

Light - in all of its manifestations - is  the underlying theme for The Illumignossi Project: Nurturing one’s light.  Sharing one’s light.  Putting more light into the world.  


  • Well, we don’t define what “light” means for our participants.  That’s up to each of our participants.  The range of definitions has been inspiring and remarkable.  For many of our participants, the personal meaning of light evolves and changes; it also varies depending upon one’s perspective: 

    Internally directed: Reflection. Self-compassion.  Illuminating one’s inner soul.  Identifying and pursuing one’s passion.  Laser-like focus on changing a habit or way of thinking.  Renewal of hope.  Inspiration.  Gratitude work.

    Outwardly directed: Patience.  Kindness.  Compassion for others. Tolerance.  Passion for positive change. Charity. Inspiring others. Combating hate.  Random acts of kindness. Volunteering. Civic action. Love.

Meaning Making

You can think of the lamp as the tangible physical “product” of the  workshop (the hardware), but equally important is  the “process”, which is not only how we create the lamps but even more important, how we surround this creation with layers of meaning, healing, connection and inspiration.  Yes, the lamps are beautiful, sometimes distractingly so, but the “software” of the workshop - the process -  is even more important.

Maya with leopard lamp

Many workshop participants share with us that their lamps are a gift. On several levels. The gifting begins with the making of the lamp.

The Gift

  • A participant in TIP’s Cancer and Serious Initiative told us, “I thought I’d be making a gift to give to my dear friend, but I was struck by what a powerful gift the lamp making process was to myself. I had been frustrated and anxious because I wanted to show my friend that I loved and cared for her and that she could count on me no matter where her journey took her, but how could I show her that? Making this lamp was a powerful message to her and it’s tangible and lasting. Every time my friend looks at this lamp, it reminds her that she is loved and I am there for her. And you know what, that makes me feel better also!”

    For a recipient, the lamp is a gift that reflects the love, concerns and intentions of its maker. As a lamp recipient of TIP’s Cancer and Serious Initiative said, “Cancer can be so isolating. People don’t know what to say or do. I was craving connection. Every time I look at this lamp, I feel the connection of those who love me. I read their message to me (written on the lamp) and I feel inspired….it gives me strength to get up and face another day.”

    Likewise, Legacy Lights participants have often gifted their lamps to their children, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren along with whatever message they want their lamp to express, using their lamps to transmit important values from one generation to the next

    Recipients describe their lamps in different ways: healing, comforting, inspiring, “my anchor”.

    In so many traditions and religions, light has a remarkable range of positive meanings. As gifts, these lamps are powerful affirmations. They are gifts that keep on giving.

Clouds In Each Paper

–by Thich Nhat Hanh
