Be. The. Light

Through innovative light-making workshops fostering conversation and community, and in diverse initiatives - from celebrating birth, to honoring our elders - our participants make beautiful illuminated paper lamps that serve as luminous reminders of each maker’s intentions to put light into the world.
The world needs our light.

Why We Do It

“Oh, my!” a participant exclaimed, as tears streamed down her cheeks. She had just wrapped a piece of paper around a lighted cylinder and noted its miraculous transformation. “I too want to be transformed by the light within me,” she said softly

How We Do It

Lamp-making - with its components of art, craft, and creativity - can help free us from old patterns of thinking, sparking paradigm-shifts and inspiration.

Light, Lamp Making & Lamps

Let’s just get this out of the way. The lamps are beautiful, but we also want you to look past them.

Sure, lamps and lamp-making are at the core of our workshops. It’s what makes us unique! But if that’s all we did, The Illimignossi Project would just be a wonderful art project. 

  • “Light” is the unifying theme of our workshops. Lamp-making is our way of expressing that theme. The lamp-making process is supplemented with wisdom-sharing, reflection and community. 

    And the finished lamps allow our participants to “take the workshop home” with them.

    While the finished lamps are stunning, their true beauty is as vehicles for meaning-making, intention-making, light-making…for sharing wisdom, inspiring, providing comfort. 

    They’re beacons: luminous reminders to bring more light to the world.

Our Initiatives